The benefits of rigorous scientific training and methodology will make you stand out in a company.
- PhD (2017)
- Master 2 SDM
- Master 2 Mechanics, Materials, and Structures (ENPC, 2013)
- Mechanical and Materials Engineering Diploma, Nuclear Specialty (ENPC, 2013)
- Agrégation (2012)
- L3 SDM (2010)
Professional experience
- 2017-2018: DGA, in charge of expertise, as an export architect on observation satellites.
- 2018-2019: Chief Engineer, Project Manager for Engine Descaling Research and Development at FlexFuel Energy Development
- Since 2020: Director of Technical Operations at GEN-HY
Current job
Director of Technical Operations at GEN-HY
How did you choose your programme in Physics ?
I began by binge-watching every possible course I could fit into my schedule. After two years at this pace and a wealth of information that allowed me to better understand the world, I realized that this personal pleasure did not correspond to my professional aspirations. So I joined the Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées with the help of my scientific background and the methodology I learned during my studies. This double degree allowed me to get back in touch with the concrete which I missed during the research at the ENS. Moreover, it allowed me to open myself to other stimulating environments and to follow a new wave of knowledge, in a more restricted and applied field.
Type de carrière