Fodor Etienne

It is important to be curious and not rush into specialization.
  • 2009-11: L3 and Master SDM, ENS Lyon
  • 2011-12: Preparation to the agrégation in physics, ENS Cachan
  • 2012-13: Master Fundamental Concepts of Physics, Paris
  • 2013-16: PhD in theoretical physics, Paris-Diderot University
Professional experience
  • 2016-20: Postdoc, University of Cambridge (UK), Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
  • Since 2020: Assistant Professor, University of Luxembourg, Department of Physics and Materials Science
Current job
Assistant Professor, University of Luxembourg, Department of Physics and Materials Science
How did you choose your programme in Physics ?

I followed most of the courses proposed in the SdM L3-M1 curriculum. I did my L3 internship in the Department of Physics at the University of Geneva, and my M1 internship in the Department of Physics at the University of Oxford. Both internships were focused on experimental laser physics. After the preparation to the agrégation, I oriented my studies (Master and thesis) towards Non-Equilibrium Statistical Physics, with applications in active matter and biophysics.

Message and advice to the current and forthcoming students

The SdM L3-M1 curriculum is very open, it allows you to discover various disciplines in Physics. I think that it is important to remain curious and to avoid specializing too quickly. It helps to develop a broad scientific culture, so as to be able to correctly assess the most interesting subjects to pursue in a thesis. For an academic career, the choice of PhD, both the subject of study, the laboratory, and the thesis director, largely determines the rest of the professional career.

Type de carrière
Academic Research