Houver Sarah

Take classes that excite you.
  • 2010-2012: l3 and M1 SDM, ENS Lyon
  • 2012-2013: M2 Nanophysics (NanoSaclay)
  • 2013-2017: PhD at UPMC/ENS de Paris, Pierre Aigrain laboratory
Professional experience
  • Aug. 2017 - Feb 2020: postdoc at ETH Zürich
  • May-August 2020: short postdoc at Onera Palaiseau
  • Sept 2020: Assistant Professor at the University of Paris
Current job
Assistant Professor at the University of Paris
How did you choose your programme in Physics ?

With a lot of freedom, I was able to take chemistry courses that interested me (quantum chemistry and spectroscopy).

Message and advice to the current and forthcoming students

Take the courses that blow you away in SDM, you have plenty of time to do a second master's degree or take other courses if you want to reorient yourself afterwards.

Type de carrière
Academic Research